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Writer's pictureTami Joy Flick's Musings

Jesus Hidden in Plain Sight

Updated: Oct 29, 2024

It's the glory of God to conceal a matter.

It's the glory of kings to search out

a matter. Prov. 25:2

Did you know that the Hebrew name we use for Jesus is actually the word “salvation” in the Old Testament?

I’ve been slowly studying the O.T. during my morning devotions. For many years, I have been a Bible reader, but I felt especially convicted to begin studying scripture a couple of years ago. I use a Bible I've dedicated for marking up with different ink and highlighter colors, tiny sticky notes, drawings, etc. It has felt wonderful taking time to ponder the different nuances and truths I’ve been stumbling across since I began this season of study. Although I am not able to do this every morning, when I can, it's life-giving.

This morning, I was working through Isaiah 59 when I discovered that a couple pieces of the armor of God (which you can find taught by the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 6) are also listed in Isaiah 59: 15 - 17. Perhaps I’ve noticed this before? But today, for whatever reason, it hit me. Paul, the ultimate pharisee, who would have known his Torah, Prophets, and Wisdom books inside and out, would have first been introduced to the topic of the armor of God in a passage such as this one. The Holy Spirit obviously had more to reveal about that topic specifically related to the New Testament believer as we can see when we read Paul’s extended list:

Breastplate of Righteousness

Helmet of Salvation

Belt of Truth

Shoes of the Gospel of Peace

Shield of Faith

Sword of the Spirit

But, that’s not why I’m posting today.

When I was investigating the meanings of the words in verse 17, I realized that the very word for salvation in this passage is actually “yeshua,” from which we derive our English word, “Jesus.”  (Yasha being the root word meaning to save, deliver, or rescue.)

Now, I’ve known for a while that Jesus/Yeshua meant the “the one who saves” or “the Lord is salvation.” I always thought that Yeshua [actually, Yehoshua] was a Hebrew way of saying “Joshua” and that Joshua was one of the types and shadows of the Messiah in the O.T. I think in my brain, when I relegated the word “Yeshua” to Joshua, I inadvertently closed the door to further study.

So, imagine how delighted I was to discover that the very word for salvation used by the prophet Isaiah in this verse is “Yeshua.” I actually started to laugh when I read it. Check out the Isaiah 59: 14 - 17 passage below:

14 Justice is turned back,

And righteousness stands far away;

For truth has stumbled in the street,

And uprightness cannot enter.

15 Truth is lacking,

And one who turns aside from evil makes himself a prey.

Now the Lord saw,

And it was displeasing in His sight that there was no justice.

16  And He saw that there was no one,

And was amazed that there was not one to intercede;

Then His own arm brought salvation [YASHA] to Him,

And His righteousness upheld Him.

17 He put on righteousness like a breastplate,

And a helmet of salvation [YESHUA] on His head;

And He put on garments of vengeance for clothing

And wrapped Himself with zeal as a cloak.

In this passage of Isaiah, YHWH (the Lord Almighty) is lamenting that justice was needed, but He could find no one to help…so He brought salvation Himself.

Literally, according to the Hebrew text, He put on the helmet of YESHUA on His head.

To bring YASHA, God had to wear YESHUA. Whoa!

What does Yeshua mean? According to Strong’s, Yeshua means:









So, when we “put on” the helmet of salvation (which, according to Isaiah, is God’s Yeshua helmet), we put on a salvation mindset that encompasses all of those blessings. By grace and through faith in the Son of God, we become new creations, endowed with the mind of Christ. We receive the eternal gift of salvation. (Eph. 2:9 -10)

Next time we ask for aid, we are asking for Yeshua.

Next time we ask for provision, we are asking for Yeshua.

Next time we ask for deliverance, we are asking for Yeshua.

Next time we need healing, we are asking for Yeshua.

You get the picture?

Our God is mighty to save!

Embedded in an ancient text 800 years before the birth of Jesus, the Lord hid His Name.

Now THAT is something to shout about!

Praise His Holy Name - YESHUA!

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1 Comment

Jessie Still
Jessie Still
Oct 28, 2024

Yes, Tami!! Something to shout about!!!

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